Behringer gibt auf seiner Facebook-Seite bekannt, dass ein kostenloses Firmware-Update in der Version 2.0 für die RD-8 Drum Machine veröffentlicht werde, um Fehler zu beheben, die Integration in deren Synthtool-Plattform zu erweitern und vieles mehr.

We are very excited to announce that the new 2.0 firmware is now ready for public release. Not only have we fixed some known bugs, we’ve also added very cool new features plus the integration into our Synthtool platform for easy updates in the future. We like to especially thank the many beta testers who tremendously helped with their diligent testing and great feature suggestions, many of which we managed to implement already. The rest will surely come with future firmware releases. We’ll publish the new firmware over the next few days, together with release notes and an updated manual. Thanks for all your patience and support. The RD-8 has just been reinvented:-)
Über eine Veröffentlichung der RD-9 gibt es im Moment noch kein Update!
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