
Trace Elliot Akustik-Amps A-300™, TA-200™ und TA-100™

Die drei Amps der Trace Acoustic TA-Serie wurden in Groß-Britannien entwickelt und in den U.S.A. produziert und bieten Trace Elliots Signature-Shape-Schaltung , einen integrierten Auto-Kompressor in jedem Kanal sowie eine individuell justierbare DSP-Effekt-Sektion mit separatem Reverb.

Alle drei Modelle kommen mit  einer ganzen Armada an schaltbaren Features – kontrollierbar über den im Lieferumfang enthaltenen  6-fach Fußschalter (25 Meter Kabel) . Die Modelle TA-100 und TA-200 werden mit extrem robusten Nylon-Schultertaschen ausgeliefert, die es möglich machen, neben dem Amp, auch die verwendete Gitarre zu transportieren. Der TA-300 wird während des Transport durch eine hochwertige, extrem stabile Hülle geschützt.

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Built in auto-compressor on all channels
Signal level LED on all channels
Shape switch for instant EQ’d sound on all channels (footswitchable on Channel 1)
Footswitchable Phase switch on all channels
Effect Parameter and Setting rotary encoders
Allows for separate levels of Reverb to be applied to each channel
Tap tempo (from either front panel or footswitch)
FLS® Feedback Locating System on each band of EQ using LEDs to indicate where feedback is occurring
Master Volume and Mute switch (footswitchable) that mutes all outputs except Tuner Out
Tuner output, Left and Right Preamp Outputs and Power Amp Inputs (to use as effects loop)
Two DI outputs; can be configured as dry Channel 1 and Channel 2 out, or processed Left and Right channels out
Illumination switch for turning front panel lights on or off
Power amp featuring Dynamic Correction
Designed in the U.K. and made in the U.S.A.

Two preamp channels with 300 watts total power output
2 x 5” specially designed neodymium Celestion® speakers and 1 x 12” G12 Century Vintage neodymium Celestion speaker
1/4” jack input with piezo switch for ultra-high impedance input stage on Channel 1
Combination balanced XLR and 1/4” jack input with phantom power switch on Channel 2
Lo-Trim & Hi-Trim rotary controls on Channel 1
Gain & Notch filter rotary controls on both Channels
Channel 1 can also have either Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, or various delays including stereo Ping Pong
Six-band graphic EQ
Custom-fitted ballistic nylon protective cover included

Two preamp channels with 200 watts stereo total power output
4 x 5” specially designed neodymium Celestion® speakers connected in stereo
1/4” jack input with piezo switch for ultra-high impedance input stage on Channel 1
Combination balanced XLR and 1/4” jack input with phantom power switch on Channel 2
Lo-Trim & Hi-Trim rotary controls on Channel 1
Gain & Notch filter rotary controls on both Channels
Channel 1 can also have either Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, or various delays including stereo Ping Pong
Six-band graphic EQ
Custom-fitted ballistic nylon bag included

Two preamp channels with 100 watts stereo total power output
2 x 5” specially designed neodymium Celestion® speakers connected in stereo
1/4” jack input with piezo switch for ultra-high impedance input stage on Channel 1
Combination balanced XLR and 1/4” jack input with Phantom power switch on Channel 2
Lo-Trim & Hi-Trim rotary controls on Channel 1
Gain & Notch filter rotary controls on both Channels
Channel 1 can also have either Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, or various delays including stereo Ping Pong
Six-band graphic EQ
Custom-fitted ballistic nylon bag included
Features, specifications and pricing are subject to change without notice.

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