
Uli Behringer wird heute 60 Jahre alt – Happy Birthday!

Uli Behringer hat sich über die Jahrzehnte mit der Herstellung elektronischer Musikinstrumente und Equipment fest in den Reigen des internationalen MI-Business integriert und sich damit einen Namen gemacht.

Uli Behringer wird heute 60 (Quelle: Behringer)
Uli Behringer wird heute 60 (Quelle: Behringer)

Nicht zuletzt schon wegen der großen Anzahl an recht preisgünstigen Nachbauten berühmter analoger Synthesizer, die auf dem Gebrauchtmarkt kaum mehr oder zu horrenden Preisen in restaurationsbedürftigem Zustand erhältlich sind. Das begeistert die, welche gerade in einer Zeit der Analog-Renaissance nach solchen Geräten suchen. Aber nicht nur damit, auch in vielen anderen Bereichen des Bedarfs an Musikequipment bietet Uli Behringer Auswahl und die in der Summe auch zu bezahlbaren Preisen.
Uli Behringer wird heute 60 Jahre alt! Wir gratulieren herzlich und wünschen alles Gute für die Zukunft.


Anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags hat Uli Behringer ein paar Worte des Danks verfasst, die wir gerne teilen möchten:
Today I turned 60. Please allow me to share a few words of gratitude.
I grew up in a little town in Switzerland in a musical family, learning to play piano from the age of four. My father taught me electronics and as a teenager, I set about putting my knowledge into practice by repairing our neighbors’ radios and TV sets. Combining electronics with my passion for music would set me down the path that would define my future. I spent every free minute in music stores, playing the latest synths and drum machines until the owners would kick me out because I couldn’t afford to buy any of these instruments. Later, during my studies as a sound engineer, I played piano in bars and coffee shops to earn a living. I quickly learned the struggles of a working musician, especially when I tried to build my own recording studio because the university didn’t have much equipment. That’s when I discovered that many of my friends shared the same challenges, which inspired me to start building my own equipment in my living room and share them with my friends for the price of only the components. These life experiences defined my purpose and passion for making audio equipment affordable for everyone.
Looking back, I have been extremely fortunate. Amazing people helped me along the way, without whom I could have never traveled this journey. I can’t count the many mistakes I made and how many times I fell on my face – and often I felt like giving up. But my passion and belief that there is always a solution, together with the help of wonderful people, got me back up and running. Today, I believe that dreams, passion and discipline are the keys to success while setbacks are the best lessons in life.
I have had truly amazing mentors, friends and employees in my life who helped me along the way, but also grounded me when they thought my ideas were wrong. Success is never measured by your bank account, job title or the car you drive – but by the impact you have on the people you serve. And you never achieve success alone – it’s always the people who have helped you that deserve all the credit. I feel extremely blessed to be surrounded by people I love, respect and admire – people that truly inspire me.
When you enter the last third of your life, you learn to put value on your time and focus on what matters. In my twenties, I thought driving a fancy car and wearing a nice suit were the definitions of success. Little did I know how meaningless these things are. Over the years my priorities have changed and I have since become an extreme minimalist – a feeling that is truly liberating and enlightening, providing me with peace of mind and happiness.
For many years I neglected my piano. I have now started to play again and I also spend much of my time learning and mountain biking as they have become a big joy in my life. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in my life and my special gratitude goes to the family, friends, employees and Customers who believe in me. I couldn’t have done it without you and nothing is more fulfilling than pursuing your dreams and being surrounded by people who stand by you, no matter what.
On my birthday today, I’d like to give myself a gift, which is to support two organizations whose cause I deeply believe in – to provide musical education for underprivileged children in remote areas. These organizations do truly amazing work so please support them too if you can.
Thank you for everything.

Bereits Anfang April dieses Jahres hat Uli Behringer bekannt gegeben, dass Music Tribe & Behringer 1.500 Synthesizer benachteiligten Kindern in abgelegenen Gebieten dieser Welt gespendet haben, um ihnen eine Chance zu geben, musikalisch ausgebildet zu werden. Anlässlich seines Geburtstags unterstützt Behringer nun zwei weitere Organisationen, die sich dieses Ziel zur Aufgabe gemacht haben mit beachtlichen Geldbeträgen und ermutigt dazu, auch unterstützend tätig zu werden, wenn es in die eigenen Möglichkeiten passt.
Die Webseiten der beiden Hilfs-Organisationen Musicians without Borders und Playing for Change sind unter den folgenden Links zu erreichen:

Hier geht’s zur Behringer Facebookseite und zu Musictribe.

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Uli Behringer wird heute 60 (Quelle: Behringer)

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